

Immediate Family Members: David, Amy, Sean & Zoe
Location: Ithaca, NY
Breed: Betas (Siamese Fighting Fish)

Gill (named after the fish in Finding Nemo not mom’s Gill Dynasty of Deceased Goldfish) was born in a small fish farm in southern California. After several escape attempts of which Gill was the master mind, he managed to escape by stowing away inside a box of sushi that the keepers had had for lunch. Once free, he managed to find his way through the open sea where he came upon the Kingdom of Poohi Poohi, off the coast of Siam. This Kingdom was controlled by the evil overlord named, Dart Vaberfish. Through a series of misadventures, Gill found out that Dart was holding Princess Shark hostage and trying to torture her in order to gain information about the secret whereabouts of the hidden Beta Base, where the rebellion was being directed from. After a great battle (two male Betas should never be in close proximaty of one another), Gill triumphed over the evil Dart and rescued Princess Shark. Once free, they knew that Dart would not rest until he had revenge, so in a clever ruse they decided to hide out in a Wal-Mart in central New York, among the other tropical fish. The ruse worked until one day when two children named Zoe and Sean began knocking on the glass of their bowls, saying, “I want this one!”
Hence forth, they have been in exile on top of the broken Piano in the Condon’s dining room. Will Dart Vaberfish ever discover their whereabouts? Will Princess Shark ever get used to the rugged life without servants and chefs? Will Gill ever cease his constant attempts at escape? Stay tuned to find out…
Next Installment: “All drains lead to the ocean, except the garbage disposal…”