My eBay Adventure
by Susan McGunnigle Condon


I have been very busy for the past few months selling things on eBay. I have to admit it is sort of addictive. It is a good addiction to have in my opinion, though, because I am getting my house and basement cleaned out and making money at the same time. Judy was bidding on one of my items at one time but she was outbid. That made me feel kind of weird - I guess I will not put any more of my jadite on eBay.

Something happened this past week which makes me convinced that eBay is a good thing. I found a framed watercolor a few years ago. I had tried to sell it a few times at yard sales for a few dollars but no one was ever interested. The painting was not signed but there was a typed card taped to the back which gave lots of information on the artist from an Art Museum in Pennsylvania. He was actually quite a noted artist and I am surprised that this find was not snatched up.

I listed the painting last week with a starting price of $10.00. I was very disappointed - there was only one bid so it sold for only $10.00 (I do, however, also make some money on the shipping and handling). I received a letter from a man in Pennsylvania - He told me he worked at Bucknell University and that the artist lived there in the 1950's. The university owns several of his paintings and some of the people in the town do. He has always wanted one because he now lives in the house that the painter lived in - it is an octagonal house built in 1855.

Here is the best part - the painting is a view out his back door. He is so excited not only to own one of his paintings but to own one that was painted in his house looking out the back door. It makes me happy to think that this painting will now hang in the room that it was painted in over 50 years ago. EBay does incredible things, doesn't it? My little painting went home.




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