Dodging Squirrels
by Susan McGunnigle Condon

Most squirrels committ suicide in late September or early October. At least that is my observation.

As I drive down the streets of Shelter Island in my PT Cruiser, "Petunia", I find myself watching for squirrels. Will one suddenly decide to "end it all" when he sees me coming? Will he wait till the last possible moment and then jump out in front of me?

I watch carefully--looking in all directions--so far I have been able to stop in just the nick of time and have probably saved about twenty squirrels' lives already this year thanks to my alertness.

It is not just me they are running out in front of--there are many dead squirrels on the side of the road. Just yesterday I saw one twitching on the side of Menantic Road, in the throes of death. It was very sad.

This morning I slammed on my brakes as a squirrel ran out in front of me and stopped and stared at me right in the middle of the road. What was he thinking as he stared me down? "Thanks for saving my life" or "Why didn't you hit me"?

As he looked at me I yelled at him "I care about you! and I saved your mother's life last year and your grandfather's the year before!!!! Get with it!"

He ran into the woods with an acorn in his mouth.


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