Susan said - "I would grab my special fluffy pillow that I sleep with and all the old pictures of our ancestors which I have the only copies of.


Judy said - "I would grab my wedding band that I keep in a bowl that I always forget to put on. Otherwise, everything can burn. I love to shop for furniture and it would be fun to replace everything."


Katie said - "The only thing I can think of that would be irreplaceable is my scrapbook. I would normally say my pictures, but David has all of the sentimental ones in his possession to make our calendars, so those would be safe and all of the newer ones can be found on our computer, I think...actually, nevermind...I think they can only be accessed through this modem. Hmmmm....well, I guess I would just grab the whole darn computer then!

David said - "I would either grab my guitar for sentimental reasons or my Pocket PC, because without it I can barely remember my own phone number."
"Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire; after saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be?"
--submitted by David 11/18/04
Shannon said - "I would grab my electric guitar. Even though I don't know how to play, it still keeps me company."