What was your most embarrassing moment?

--submitted by Susan 01/03/06


Dad said: "When I was at a barbecue on Shelter Island years ago, at the Cannon's house, I stepped out onto the dock and took my pants off, thinking my bathing suit was underneath. It wasn't. I don't think anyone saw me, but who knows?"
Mom said: "I have had so many embarrassing moments in my life that it is hard to recall all of them. Some of them were so humiliating that I think I have buried them in my subconscious. I will start with one and may post more as I think of them" "When I was in high school I played the flute in the orchestra. We were playing "The War of 1812 Overture". The flutes sit in the very first row of the orchestra facing the audience. The director motioned to me to lift my flute up and play when it was my turn. My finger was stuck in the end of my flute. I could not dislodge it. I looked up and the entire audience was laughing at me."

Sarah said: "I have a few...

- One time, when I was working at Legal Seafoods, I was trying to explain the special of the day to a nice family, and I said, "Today our special is mahi mahi topped with crap...topped with crap...no I mean, crap" They looked horrified. I was trying to say, "mahi mahi topped with crab salad" but I couldn't.

- One my first day of my junior year of college, my roomate and I were walking from her car into the building in the rain and I fell right in front of a bunch of cars into a puddle. The sole of my shoe completely fell off and I ran, barefoot, to the office to try to fix it. Someone put duck tape all around and while I was running to class, I fell again because my shoe wasn't totally fixed. The heal on one shoe was higher than the other so when I limped into class late, a student said, 'Hey thats the girl I was telling you guys about that fell!"

- One time, while waiting on a table, I was holding a water pitcher in my hand and they started asking me some questions about the menu. I spent about 5 minutes talking to them and without any of us realizing it, I had been pouring water into the womans purse. The restaurant had to reimburse her for her damaged items and purse.

- I was asked to sing a very pretty song for a woman's day in Boston. There was a large audience and as I stood on stage waiting for the music to begin, a very loud and abnoxious Rap Song started blaring from the speakers. Someone had pressed the wrong button. So, I started bouncing up and down awkwardly until they fixed it.

- My freshman year of college: My roomate and I won tickets to a small gathering with The Violent Femmes. I was very excited, especially because my brother, David, had once told me that they used to be a Christian Band and that the lead singers father was a preacher! So, we went to the studio and when everyone was quiet, I said to the lead singer, "Hey, You know whats funny? I'm a PK too!" There was an awkward silence and he started looking around. "Are you talking to me?" "Yes, your a preachers kid and you guys used to be a christian band, right?" Then they all started laughing and shaking their heads. I was very angry because my brother had lied to me.

- A few years ago, Caryn and I were invited to Sam Shaw's graduation party. It took place in their front yard and many, many people came. Caryn and I were feeling a little self concious that day because I had a big zit on my chin and she had greasy hair. We were trying to stay to ourselves, when a woman stood in front of us with a camera. "Oh no! We look terrible!", we said trying to fix ourselves up. We put our arms around eachother and posed when the woman looked at us and said, "Girls, do you mind moving out of the way. I'm trying to take a picture of Sam and his father on their porch." We awkwardly moved out of the way."

Wannabe (Andrea) said: "Well it's hard to just pick ONE because like Sarah, I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments. I'll stick with the Legal Sea Foods theme as most of Sarah's are consistent with. I had just transferred to a new restaurant and didn't know anybody! I had a huge crush on my manager at the time. It was the end of my shift and I was rushing around trying to get my sidework done (you waiters/waitresses know what I'm talking about). I had two buckets of rolled silverware that I was carrying through the kitchen. The floor was really slippery and the bottoms of my shoes had worn down to a complete smooth surface. My feet flew out from under me, I dropped the buckets on top of my pinky finger, my knee twisted, and I slammed my head against the pantry counter. I got knocked out for a little bit. There were a ton of people looking over me when I opened my eyes, including my manager! I got up and pretended I was okay, even though I was crying on the inside. The next day I couldn't even get out of bed. I had to be driven to the emergency room, I had to have my pinky finger drained because the nail was going to fall off, I had to wear a braise on my leg for two weeks because I really sprained my knee, and I was on crutches. I had to host for the next two weeks so I didn't have to walk on my knee. My manager called me the next day and left a message on my machine asking how I was feeling. I saved it and Sarah and I listened to it over and over again. Now I'm marrying him :-)"


Katie said: "My first most embarrassing moment happened in the fourth grade. I had committed to playing my french horn at a recital at school, but forgot all about it. Being the slacker that I was, I didn't even practice once for the event. The day of the recital, I remembered to grab my french horn as I walked out the door, but planned on trying to get out of it. When I got there, I was called immediately to the library by my music teacher. Parents were starting to file in and kids were sitting along the front waiting for the show to begin. My music teacher called my parents to let them know I had a performance, since I hadn't even told them about it. Then, she said, "Alright, Katie, you are first on the program! Go up there!" I tried to argue with her, but she wouldn't listen. I reluctantly walked to the front of the room and sat up on the stool with my french horn in hand. The room was silent. Parents had their video cameras pointed right at me and all eyes were on me. 'Here goes nothin'...
I began to blow into my horn, but all that would come out were squeeks and honks, in no particular pattern...'twinkle, twinkle' was the song that I had said I was going to be playing; it was the song listed on the program...but this sounded NOTHING like 'twinkle, twinkle...' It sounded like a cross between a goose honking and a dying cow. People began to lower their video cameras, and kids began to laugh. Even the parents started snickering. I put down my french horn, and ran out. But just as I was running out, my parents arrived. Ms. Gordon, the music teacher, said, "Oh, Katie, your parents missed it! Would you like to do it again for them?"
"NOOOOOOO!!!" I sobbed and my parents took me home. I still have stage fright to this very day."

Jim, Jr. said: "I hesitate to tell my most embarrassing moment because it's pretty gross - but what the heck. It was during my freshman year at BU. Typically, I would roll out of bed and do my best to make it to my early morning class - so I didn't spend much time getting ready. One cold winter morning, I got myself out of bed and rushed off to my psychology class in the Nicolodeon Theater. I scoped out the open seats and found one next to a very attractive girl I had met on a few occasions. I settled in a bit, tried to clear my groggy eyes and wake up. I quickly realized my nose was a bit stopped up, so I carefully reached up with my finger and pulled out a huge booger. I lowered my finger down close to the ground, looking around to make sure no one had seen me picking my nose. I then began to flick my finger - no luck, it wouldn't let go. I flicked and I flicked until I finally ended up launching it in the air. To my horror, it landed smack down on the attractive girl's notebook right next to me. She looked down at it trying to figure out what the heck it was. I quickly grabbed it off her notebook, turned my attention to the professor and tried to pretend it never happened..."

David said: "Since I contracted Foot-In-Mouth disease at a very early age, I have many embarrassing moments I could tell about. The one that sticks out most in my mind took place in 1994 while I was working at the Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, TN. On that particular night I was working as the Bell Man. I was decked out in my spiffy polyester Bell Man garb complete with the rope thingy on the shoulder and a big giant gold name tag with bold letters stating "Dave."

If you have ever been to the Hermitage Hotel you know how beautiful it is with marble and stained glass all over the place. It has been used in many country videos as it is right down town Nashville. On this particular evening Susie Bogguss was filming a video in the lobby. The place was packed full of musicians, cast and crew. I had a moment where nothing needed to be done so I stood near the front desk watching the lighting guy set up for the next take. There was an older gentleman standing beside me. I assumed he was one of the many crew members there to make sure Susie's wardrobe, makeup, and voice were perfect. I turned to him and in my coolest 'nothing impresses me' voice said, "So what do you do?" The man smiled warmly at me and said, "Oh, I pick a little guitar." He walked away and I heard laughter from behind me. I turned to see the Hotel Manager laughing, "That was Chet Atkins, you idiot!"

I had listened to many Chet Atkins albums over the years and new he was one of the most amazing players ever but I did not recognize him. Foot-In-Mouth disease strikes again. But I have to say, for one of the greatest guitar players in the history of the instrument, he was mighty friendly. And talk about a humble way of describing yourself: "I pick a little guitar." How cool is that! If I could only have said something cool, as well. instead of making a complete fool of myself."

Mom said: "David's funny story about Chet Atkins reminded me of another one of my
most embarrassing moments. "When we lived in New Jersey, Dad was asked to do the invocation at an IBM dinner. We were seated at the dais in the front and I was put next to the man who was the featured speaker of the evening. His name was Stan Musial. I did not recognize the name because when it comes to baseball, I only remember the names of Yankees. During dinner, he and I were chatting and asking each other questions. I said, 'Where do you live?' He looked at me and smiled and said St. Louis. I said, "oh" and asked him how long he had lived there and if he liked the city. He told me he was married and told me about his children. He just kept smiling and pleasantly answered my questions. He was a very nice person. Then he got up to speak - the audience went wild. I had no idea why. Needless to say, I got a lot of ribbing from everyone because I asked the famous Stan-the-man Musial of the St. Louis Redsox? where he lived"

Caryn said: "Jimmy's B.U. story reminded me of a moment I had wished to forget. In college I got very little sleep. I'd stay up every night until 3:30 in the a.m. (for no reason) and start my classes at 8 a.m. Needless to say I was rather tired most of the time. One afternoon I was in sociology class. The room was in the basement and had no ventiliation. The professor was extremely boring. At some point I dozed off. Upon waking up (I have no idea how long I had been sleeping) all eyes were on me, including the professor's, and everyone was laughing. I looked down at my paper and the guy next to me had written, "I snored during Sociology class today". To make matters worse- this same guy was on the front page of the B.U. newspaper that day. He was the star hockey player."

Kenny said: "I do recall a moment, well, a second, in time that was quite embarrassing for me. I was a member of the Army ROTC at the University of South Florida. I was a member of the Color Guard. We would attend mostly sporting events. I was not the flag holder, but the lucky owner of an M-16 rifle. One day, we were doing a basketball game at our school. We were dressed in our uniforms and of course, we all had our name tags on. On one particular move, I had my weapon held tight in front of me. I was to move it to my shoulder. Upon doing so, the sling of my weapon snagged my name tag and it got pulled off my uniform and the name tag went flying across the gymnasium floor. Well, as we are taught, don't make a move in a situation like that. Stay still and hold your ground. Well, of all these students watching, I heard one voice say, "You dropped something". Uh yeah, not a good moment.


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